ScrapeSuite is an automated service designed to extract valuable information from web pages. It automates the data scraping process, making it easier for businesses and researchers to efficiently collect, organize, and use web information. ScrapeSuite offers a robust set of features for simple web analysis, including custom rules, batch processing, multiple output formats, data conversion, scheduled automation, and much more.
ScrapeSuite is a web scraping tool that allows users to collect data from websites in an automated manner. The Project steps are:
1. Creating a Project. The user creates a new Project in ScrapeSuite, specifying parameters and data collection purposes.2. Adding a URL. Inside a Project, the user adds a URL of a web page from which they want to collect information. And proceeds to configure the Parser.3. Configuring the Parser. The user creates the Parser by specifying which page elements they need (e.g. headings, prices, images), and how to identify them.4. Creating a Job. The user configures a Job by specifying a list of URLs that they want to process using the created Parser.5. Running a Job. After configuring a Project and a Job, the user runs a Job, and ScrapeSuite starts crawling the specified web pages, extracting the necessary data.6. Data storage. The extracted data is saved in a convenient format (e.g. CSV, Excel, JSON), and can be used for further analysis or integration into other systems.7. Regular update. ScrapeSuite provides the possibility of regular data updating, allowing users to keep up with changes to websites and keep their information up to date.
No, you do not need any programming knowledge to use ScrapeSuite. ScrapeSuite’s interface is designed with ease of use in mind, allowing users without technical skills to create web scraping projects. However, knowing the basics of the HTML page markup language can be useful, as it will make it easier to understand the page structure and configure parsing.
Yes, ScrapeSuite can efficiently handle dynamic content or content rendered using JavaScript. To do this, you just have to enable the WebBrowser Rendering option in the Project settings. This feature allows ScrapeSuite to load and process content that is generated using JavaScript, providing a more complete and accurate data collection, even from websites with dynamic content.
Our output formatting facilities are highly flexible and provide several options depending on your preferences and goals. ScrapeSuite supports the following formats:
1. CSV:
– This format is perfect for those who prefer a simple and easy-to-use text data format. CSV files can be easily opened in most text editors and data processing software.2. Excel:
– If you are more comfortable working with tables and using formatting and styling options, you can choose Excel format. This is especially helpful if your data requires further structuring and organization.3. JSON:
– For those who prefer to work with data in JSON format, ScrapeSuite also provides this option. JSON is a convenient format for exchanging data between programs, and makes the data structure easily readable and understandable.
To select the desired output format, simply go to the Storage tab after the parsing is complete. There, you can easily select the desired format and save the results of your work in a form convenient for you.
Yes, it is. ScrapeSuite provides a convenient option for automated data parsing using the Scheduler feature. In the Controllers settings section, when configuring a Job, you can enable Scheduler and set the desired schedule, defining how often and when to automatically update data. This allows you to keep your information up to date without having to do it manually every time. If you have any additional questions about setting the Scheduler or any other aspects of using ScrapeSuite, do not hesitate to ask!
When it comes to choosing a ScrapeSuite subscription, it’s important to choose the option that best suits your needs. Optimal Plan includes 50,000 credits, and Basic Support – the possibility to ask questions about configuring via messenger or email. This is the right option for those seeking a balance between credits and basic support. Ultimate Plan includes 100,000 credits, Advanced Support – the professional assistance in configuring the Parser, and the possibility of an individual call. It meets the case if you need expert advice and more credits.
Enterprise Plan provides customized solutions to suit your needs. It is perfect if you have special requirements, and are looking for a high personalization level.
The subscription plan you choose depends on your specific goals, the number of credits you require, and the level of support you need when configuring your Parser. Also, don’t forget about the opportunities to add credits to your current subscription using the “Buy credits” option, as well as to switch to any of the subscriptions when you need.
No. When you sign up for the Optimal Plan you will be given 50,000 credits, and when you sign up for the Ultimate Plan you will be given 100,000 credits. These credits can be used immediately after connecting to create and use parsers. If you need additional credits, you can purchase them in the Plans&Subscription -> Buy credits section according to your needs. This way, you will have enough funds to cover all your data parsing needs.
Credits are the internal currency of our product. They allow users to conveniently pay for access to all product features such as data parsing, data rescanning, and page rendering. To purchase credits, log into your account and go to the Plans section, then go to the buy credits section where you can specify the number of credits you need.
Yes, you can buy credits several times a month as needed. Simply go to the Plans&Subscription section and select the Buy credits option. This will allow buying additional credits to use for data parsing.
It’s important to remember that if you don’t have an active subscription, credits will be frozen in your account. Therefore, to be able to use them, activate your subscription to the corresponding plan. This ensures your credits are unfreezed, and allows you to fully enjoy all parsing functionality.
XPath or XML Path is a query language that can be used to find nodes (elements) in structured documents, such as HTML, XML, JSON, and others. HTML and XML markup languages follow similar rules of structure and format. In the context of our product, XPath is used to accurately identify and extract data from JSON responses after scraping the websites.
Parsing Direction is a parameter determining the order in which the data structure on a web page is parsed. This parameter can have two main values: Sequential and Reverse.
Sequential: When using a sequential parsing direction, the Parser starts analyzing data structure from top to bottom. That is, the first value or element that matches the set parsing criteria will be extracted first.
Reverse: When using a reverse parsing direction, the Parser starts analyzing data structure from bottom to top. That is, the last value or element that matches the set parsing criteria will be extracted first.
First of all, make sure your internet connection is working smoothly, try reloading the page, and make sure you are entering the correct login details. If the error persists, try using a different web browser, since some issues may be associated with your current browser. If none of the above helps, do not hesitate to contact the support team; they will provide further assistance in resolving the problem.
Reasons why Selected Elements and Result Elements may not match include various data parsing scenarios. For example, when you select elements to parse, you can specify certain criteria, and, depending on the HTML document structure, the number and structure of the elements in the Result Elements may differ. This may be due to the presence or absence of elements on the page, or their number. Also, if the HTML structure of the target page is different from the expected one, the elements may be not parsed, and they will not be included in the Result Elements. It is important to consider the variety of possible scenarios when using data parsing in order to correctly interpret the results.
Yes, when you restart Job, credits will be written off, even if the URL status is Complete. This is because running each new Job is considered a separate task for your Project. Even though the data for this URL was already collected in a previous run and has a Complete status, repeated running represents a new data collection Job.
Running each Job requires allocating resources and performing a data collection process, even if the data for a particular URL has already been collected before. Repeated collection can be useful, for example, when updating data or verifying current information.
Therefore, keep in mind that each time you run a Job, the respective credits will be written off, even if the URL status is already Complete.
No, you don’t have to add every URL to the HTML section. However, if you have a situation where data was not collected successfully from a particular URL, it is worth checking what exactly could be causing the problem. In such a case, adding this URL to the HTML section may be helpful.
Adding a URL to HTML allows you to create a parsing template that will be used in subsequent attempts to scrape data from the page. This can be especially useful if you encounter changes to websites or if you have specific settings that you want to apply to certain types of pages.
Thus, while it doesn’t make sense to add every URL to the HTML section, it can be a useful step to ensure successful data collection and manage the parsing process if you encounter an error with a certain URL.
You can apply the Attribute setting for data parsing in ScrapeSuite when you need to extract information from HTML elements that have additional attributes. Attributes in HTML are additional parameters assigned to the elements that allow defining their properties, features, and behavior.
For example, if you have an HTML image tag < img src=”image.jpg” alt=”Image Description”> and you want to extract information from an alt attribute, then applying the Attribute setting will allow you to specify exactly what information you want to retrieve.
Thus, applying the Attribute setting is useful when you need to extract data associated with additional attributes of HTML elements.
To start the parsing process, you need to enter a URL in the HTML section. This URL will be used as a starting point for data collection. If, after running the parsing Job, you notice that some pages haven’t been parsed, you need to add their URLs to the HTML section, and configure additional parameters. This way, you will ensure a more complete and accurate scraping of the data from the web resource.
When you configure your Parser, you may need to return to previous steps or settings if you made a mistake or decided to change something during the setup process. To do this, you can access the Timeline feature in the Project Settings section.
The Timeline represents a history of changes and steps you made when configuring the Parser. It allows you to see the sequence of actions you have taken, from the beginning of the Project to the present moment.
To go back to previous settings, you can simply select the corresponding step in the Timeline and return to it. This is useful if you need to make changes or correct mistakes made in earlier configuration steps. You can easily get to the desired step and make the necessary adjustments.
Thus, the Timeline feature facilitates the Parser configuring process, making it more flexible and convenient for you, allowing you to return to any configuration step at your discretion.
When you encounter a NotValidResult status in the Jobs section, it means that the Parser could not properly parse the specified URL. (This status indicates that the Parser needs additional instructions or corrections to properly process this URL.)
To correct this situation, you should go to the Jobs section and find the necessary URL with the NotValidResult status. Analyze the parsing template and make sure it matches the page structure, and check if all the necessary parameters and rules for correct parsing have been entered. This URL should be added to HTML as a parsing template so that the Parser can correctly process this page in the future. After making changes, restart the parsing Job. Make sure its status has changed from NotValidResult to Complete.
Those steps will allow you to correctly configure the Parser to process the specified URL and change the Job execution status to Complete. In case of additional questions or difficulties, do not hesitate to contact us for additional support.
The selection of Binder type is important because it determines what type of data we will extract during the inner_text or attribute parsing processes. By default, the type you specify in the property is used, but Binder Type allows you to change this type directly within the parsing process.
This is useful if you need to change data type from text to attribute or vice versa, and you don’t want to delete and repeatedly create properties. Simply select the appropriate Binder Type in the settings to specify exactly what type of data you want to extract.
ScrapeSuite is able to parse data from any website that contains the information you need. No matter whether it is an e-commerce site, a news portal, a blog, or anything else, you will be able to extract the necessary data for your project. ScrapeSuite’s flexibility and versatility allow it to adjust to various website structures and provide efficient data parsing. If you have specific requirements or questions regarding parsing a specific data type, feel free to reach out for further support!
If ScrapeSuite does not recognize the element at the specified URL, check the HTML to make sure the page code contains the required element. Maybe the HTML structure has changed, and your parsing template in the HTML section needs to be updated. Check if you have selected the correct Binder type. Use the HTML code display to determine exactly where the element in question is located on the page. Refresh the Property, and make sure that the properties, particularly, isArray, IsOptional, are configured correctly. If the problem persists, contact the ScrapeSuite support. They can provide additional guidance and help resolve complex scenarios.
Yes, web scraping using ScrapeSuite is legal, but there are several important points to consider. The first and most important aspect is compliance with data protection and copyright laws and policies of the websites you intend to scrape. Compliance with the website rules: before you start scraping, make sure you read the website’s terms of use to avoid violating their policies. Copyright: avoid collecting and using copyrighted content without appropriate permissions. Personal data protection: pay attention to personal data protection, and comply with privacy laws.
Absolutely. Your security and data privacy are our priorities. ScrapeSuite strictly adheres to security standards, ensuring the protection of your personal and project data. All data transferred through our platform is encrypted, providing the security of your information assets. In addition, we strictly adhere to the privacy policy, and your data will not be shared with third parties without your permission.
If you need to update the list of URLs in the current Project, you can do this by going into the settings of the corresponding Job in the Project, and adding new URLs. However, we recommend creating new Jobs in the Project for new URLs related to this Project, and a new Project if the URLs do not relate to the Project. Not only does this provide a clearer structure, but also allows you to get the latest information without losing URLs, as well as to manage and track various Jobs in the Projects easily.
To monitor prices using ScrapeSuite, you should go to Projects, and create a new Project for price tracking. In the HTML section, add the URLs of the products you are interested in to configure the Parser; this can be done manually, or you can upload them as a list. Configure the Parser by outlining the necessary elements, such as price, discount price, and discount percentage. In the Job section, add a list of all URLs you want to monitor. If necessary, set the Scheduler to regularly re-parse prices at the specified frequency.
This way, ScrapeSuite will automatically track the prices of the specified products, and provide you with the latest data.
ScrapeSuite is designed to effectively interact with websites that use anti-scraping measures, such as Google Captcha and similar obstacles. If a captcha or similar problems arise during the parsing process, the system automatically makes three attempts to resolve them. If the problem persists after three attempts, the Job is paused, allowing you to review and reschedule the Job for successful completion. This way, ScrapeSuite ensures that security measures are reliably overcome, and data is retrieved efficiently, even on websites with additional checks.
WebBrowser Rendering should be enabled if the website contains content or blocks that will not load without running JavaScript. If you encounter a situation where certain elements do not display correctly or load without using JavaScript, activating this setting is recommended. You can enable WebBrowser Rendering at the Project-wide level if such problems are persistent on the website, or activate this feature in your Controller used within a specific Job if the need for JavaScript rendering arises only in certain scenarios. This will provide a more efficient interaction with websites that use dynamic content.
Yes, it is critical that the Culture setting in your HTML matches the Culture in your Jobs/Controllers. Otherwise, problems with the correct parsing of dates and numbers may arise. Make sure that Culture values are consistent to ensure that dates and numeric data are interpreted correctly and unambiguously.
Import from Sitemap is a feature allowing you to conveniently retrieve a list of URLs from a sitemap. When you click the Import from Sitemap button, a settings window opens where you can specify the main domain and create a template. This template is used to automatically extract URLs from a sitemap, and then they are automatically added to the URLs section of your Job settings. This handy tool allows you to quickly and efficiently work with sitemaps, making it easy to add large numbers of URLs to your Project.