Result Status

The ‘Result Status’ indicates the status of a Scrapesuite API request. From ‘processing’ to ‘site_unreachable’, each status provides insight into the request outcome. This feature allows users to quickly grasp the nature of the response, enabling efficient request management and decision-making.

Result Status Explanation
"processing" The data retrieval process is ongoing. Wait for completion.
"timeout" The request took too long to process.
"response_is_empty" The website responded, but the content is empty.
"bad_status_code" The website responded with an unexpected status code. Review the response.
"html_document_is_empty" The HTML document is empty. Check the requested page's content.
"parsing_failed" Parsing error. Try again later or contact support.
"ok" The request was successful, and data is available.
"failed" Internal product error. Try again later or contact support.
"cancelled" The request was intentionally canceled before completion.
"captcha" The request encountered a CAPTCHA challenge. Handle the CAPTCHA to proceed.
"not_valid_html" The HTML structure is not valid. Ensure the page has valid HTML. 
"response_too_large" The response size exceeded 5MB. Consider adjusting the request.
"not_valid_result" Parser configuration is incorrect. Review and update parser settings in HTML section.
"too_many_redirects" The request experienced more than 10 redirects. Investigate and adjust the URL or follow fewer redirects.
"subscription_expired" The ScrapeSuite subscription has expired. Renew for continued access.
"not_enough_balance" Insufficient balance for the requested operation. Recharge your ScrapeSuite account.
"invalid_url" The provided URL is not valid. Check and correct the URL.
"site_unreachable" The website is currently unreachable. Verify the website status and try again later.